Wednesday 29 June 2022

Week five plus

The putative Ohio Buckeyes have not made much progress in the getting on for two months since I last reported on them (at reference 1). Not very triffid at all.

The small one at the back has more or less succumbed, while the two larger ones at the front seem to have got stuck at the four leaf stage. The lead buds, if indeed they are present at all, are small and not doing anything. Do I have to wait for next spring for more action? Was the initial spurt of growth fuelled by the nut, then given the hard, unforgiving clay, nothing further doing? Do Buckeyes like softer, sandy soil? Down in the many bottom lands of the Ohio river? Do they like more sun than they are going to get in this shady corner, overlooked by both oak and willow?

And then, in just the past few days, the two larger ones got hit by the drought. I think I noticed in time to get the left hand one back, but the right hand one might be fatally damaged.

PS: perhaps more so than the the older of the two Baby Blues, which has now lost of lot of older needles, after I failed to notice its need for water. But there is new growth and I dare say it will survive.


Reference 1:

Group search key: tff.

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