Tuesday 7 June 2022


A birthday email arrive this morning from the Texas Mesquite Grill, the people noticed in the past for their crawfish and deep fried turkey.

Given that my birthday is some way off, are they on a fishing expedition or has their ad server somehow made a mistake? I don't think I have used the word 'birthday' in a Microsoft or Google visible way recently, so I don't think that it is that.

PS: it would be fun to visit the place and explain to a bemused waitress that I have been keeping an eye on them from the old country for years. Probably particularly bemused since her old country is apt to be Mexico or Spain, rather than anywhere in our islands. In any event, I can't see it happening. Even though I have got a couple of years before my visa expires again.


Reference 1: https://texasmesquitegrill.com/

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