Sunday 19 June 2022

Trolley 517

Captured in the Kokoro passage. Not that far to M&S so I took both of them, with two young men helpfully giving way at the entrance to the Ashley Centre.

On the way, what appeared to be a Polish camper van, somewhat scruffy with Spanish/Portuguese flavoured graffiti. Perhaps a sun loving Pole? Maybe just a wannabee surfer, there being no obvious provision for carrying boards. Perhaps only at the level of inflatable boards, which can fit inside? Starting from a low base, given that Poland has no sea side with surf?

Having returned the trolleys to their stack, had a look in M&S for cherries, but failed to find any. The cherries in the market looked well enough on display, but there was a queue and I remain a bit wary of market cherries, those at reference 2 notwithstanding. So settled for two packs, at a fiver the pack, from Waitrose. Spanish and rather good, no duds. Bought on Saturday, just the four left as I type this Monday morning.

Decided that I needed a spot of wine and water on the way home, so stopped by at TB, where the nasturtiums (nasturtia?) were doing very well. The water came in a half litre glass from the Swedish cider people to be found at reference 3, where the very same glass can be seen containing various coloured and decorative confections. Perhaps this is the latest fad in cider. Perhaps I am showing my age by remembering when the Irish branded Magners was all the thing. I also vaguely remember reading that they sometimes have to import apples from the big island. Or perhaps they even manufacture here, to save the shipping across the water.

It did not turn out to be a very productive afternoon, although I scored a strong win at Scrabble.

PS: I am reminded this morning that the market cherries at reference 2 were rather cheaper than these. £7 for two pounds, say 900g, rather than £10 for 1,200g. £7.77 the kilo rather than £8.33. An I learn that the standard 256 character set offered by Microsoft does include the dotted numerals needed to properly signal recurrence. And even the usually resourceful BBC have to resort to little bits of image to do it.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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