Tuesday 28 June 2022

Wellingtonia 80

Captured on the way home this afternoon, on the A4, on the eastern outskirts of Calne in Wiltshire.

Quite a good looking tree in the snap above, taken from Wessington Court, more or less opposite. 

Given that my short term memory not been great the last couple of days, I took the precaution of snapping the name of this bit of the A4, Quemerford, a sufficiently unusual name that gmaps had no trouble confirming that we were indeed in Calne. The view of the tree offered by Street View from Wessington Court, from 2009, is not very good at all, although it does suggest that there might be two of them. Something to be checked on the next occasion. Plus  Street View itself is not behaving very well just there, perhaps thrown by the junction of film from 2009 in the Court and film from 2021 in Quemerford.

In any event, this tree makes up in some part, for the tree I thought I saw on my right as we entered Calne from the other side, that is to say the west. A tree which I did not stop for and which I cannot now find in Street View. Something else to be checked on the next occasion.

PS: I read this afternoon that the US Supreme Court has opened the door to religion in their public schools (that is to say the ones paid for by the taxpayer, rather than those paid for by the rich, as in this country), thus breaking the longstanding separation of state and church, which many had thought was built into their Constitution. The right wing judges clearly thought otherwise. A right wing which now appears to be a coalition of coal lovers, gun lovers (the bigger the better), abortion haters and Jesus lovers. One supposes that a Muslim teacher who wants to say prayers in a public school would not get much traction, his constitutional right to the free exercise of his religion notwithstanding.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/06/wellingtonia-79.html.

Group search key: wgc.

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