Thursday 30 June 2022

Wellingtonia 82

Another out of sequence Wellingtonia, with this one, chronologically, being between No.80 and No. 81. I dare say that now I have transferred a missing block of snaps from my telephone to my laptop, by hand, things will soon be back to normal. OneDrive does seem to have trouble when, for some reason or another, it misses a chunk of synchronisation at the proper time, that is to say overnight, then fails to pick it up later.

This snap being taken from the town side of the yard of the church of St. Andrew of Chippenham, looking towards the confusingly named St. Mary Street below and the River Avon further below.

This one from a slightly different angle and complete with fragment of umbrella top left. With a fine cedar to the immediate right of the Wellingtonia.

I think the yellow stone serves as a communal marker for people whose ashes are in the vicinity. An arrangement which is both dignified and sensible - at least for those who care to be laid to rest in consecrated ground.

PS: regarding St. Mary, I can find nothing about this church having once been dedicated to St. Mary and the only church of St. Mary that I can find is a Catholic church on the other side of town. So the mystery of St. Mary Street remains a mystery.


Reference 1:

Group search key: wgc.

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