Thursday 16 June 2022

Bread and sausage

A sausage out of Sainsbury's by Bastides having been sitting in the fridge for some days now, today had been slated for another go at sausage stew, along the lines of that noticed at reference 1. But in the event, I decided that orange lentils were in order, using a starting point a recipe BH used to use quite regularly, going under the name of spicy lentil stew.

I also thought that a bread roll would be good, so down to Costcutter for a couple of their batch rolls, warm at the point of purchase, plus a couple of other items, one wet, one dry. I think the batch bit means that you have put enough rolls in your baking tray that the rolls fuse as they rise, as in the snap above. Saves both time and fuel.

Started out at around 11:45 by gently frying three coarsely chopped onions in a spot of rape seed oil. Coarsely chop one giant tomato and two regular tomatoes and add them in. At around 12:00 add six ounces of red lentils and half a pint of water. Bring to boil and set to simmer, stirring from time to time. Add another half pint of water in the course of the proceedings, taking care that the stew is neither too wet nor sticking. Best not to be doing something else at the same time, at least not a something else that means leaving the kitchen.

Slice three quarters of the 250g sausage, then halve the slices. At 12:45, stir them in. Put the last quarter aside for another occasion, probably grazing.

Meanwhile, cook six ounces of brown rice and a suitable amount of white cabbage.

All served up at 13:00 on the dot, and very well it did too. With the sausage standing in for the streaky bacon, pepper, spices and so forth used by BH. All amounts to much the same thing really. I failed to take a picture on my telephone and Google failed to turn up anything similar on the Internet, lots of hits for 'spicy lentil stew sausage' notwithstanding.

Dessert in the form of orange jelly. That is to say an orange jelly involving a tin of mandarin oranges.

PS 1: do not attempt to make the orange jelly with lime jelly, thinking that the tinned oranges will cover you. They won't. BH left wondering what to do with the lemon jelly she still has.

PS 2: I have been reminded of the difficulty one can have in getting from a brand name to the company which uses it. Particularly in the case of supermarket wine. But luckily, I had had a go at this one before, so found my way to reference 2, from where I get to reference 3. Since which time I have been obliged to switch from Waitrose to Sainsbury's.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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