Saturday 25 June 2022

Oranges from Sainsbury's

Yesterday it was washing up liquid. Today it is oranges.

Now at Kiln Lane we might have a Tier 1 Sainsbury's supermarket with some huge number of checkouts, but they are not that good at fruit and vegetables. Generally speaking, they do have them but the quality is rather variable.

And earlier in the week, there was not much in the way of oranges at all, just nets of four 'taste the difference'. The level above 'basics'. This morning the net was supposed to provide me with my breakfast orange. The first one I tried was suspiciously light and had a very thick skin. It was dried out and inedible. The second, much the same. The third much the same - at which point I gave up.

Decorated with three unripe walnuts from one of the small trees in the hedge running between the path connecting TB with the railway station and Court Recreation Ground.

PS: and while I am on, I might as well mention apples. Apples which I imagine at this time of year have been stored for months in some atmosphere and temperature controlled warehouse and which are sometimes surprisingly good. But this one was not. It was perfectly sound on the outside, but the interior contained isolated blobs of brown, about the size of peas, in the otherwise sound, white flesh. Cut them out and the apple was quite eatable, if a little winey.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: One of the other walnut trees. What are they doing there? Who planted them?

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