Friday 3 June 2022

Platinum paste

Where paste in this instance is the old word for a mixture of flour and water, as might be used to make pastry. Or in this case bread. Batch No.654.

Couldn't think of anything in the house made of platinum that I could scrape or rub a bit of dust off into the flour, or perhaps sprinkle on the loaves just before they went into the oven. So didn't bother to investigate whether the stuff is toxic.

Two quite good looking loaves, not perfect but without any large blisters. Got the second rise right on this occasion: like adding water to a cake mix in that as one approaches the right consistency, a few drops of water can make a surprising amount of difference. The drops of water in this case being minutes of second rise.

PS: quite good stocks of flour in hand: Alto white from Ponders End (reference 1) and wholemeal brown from Canada, via Waitrose. We are not told where the Alto white comes from, although I would guess a blended flour, possibly from more than one country. We shall see if prices have risen by the next time I am in the market.


Reference 1:

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