Thursday 16 June 2022

Microsoft pain

Needing to protect cheese supplies against the probability of train strikes next week, this morning I ordered some more for delivery next week. In the course of which the display snapped above must have popped up a dozen or more times. No idea how to stop it, although I dare say that, if I gave it some of my valuable time, I could find out.

Furthermore, Microsoft seems to know a lot more about my credit card than I care for - and without putting that knowledge to helpful use. No idea how to stop that either.

And to add insult to injury, my Microsoft telephone then decided to display my calendar in a very odd and unhelpful format. No idea why. But at least that problem was solved by rebooting the telephone.

PS: to be fair, the dairy is not that hot on filling in the blanks on screens for repeat orders. But at least they have the excuse that they are a cheese company, not a software supplier. A reliable cheese company too.


Reference 1: The shop.

Reference 2: The cheese.

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