Thursday 23 June 2022

Trolley 519

These two trolleys were collected from between two of the street food sheds at the entrance to Ebbisham Square. Among several others and a number of fast food delivery drivers. Returned to the food hall at M&S, via the Ashley Centre entrance.

Prior to collecting the trolleys, I had been paying a visit to the library to see if they had a Pevsner for Dorset, which as it turned out they did. The problem being a church at a place called Long Bredy containing a painting which neither Bing nor Google seemed to know anything about. And as it turned out, neither did Pevsner, although he did know about Long Bredy, a relative of the Littlebredy of reference 2. And I now know that there is plenty of stuff to go and inspect there.

I also now know that Penguin have sold the Pevsner rights to Yale University Press, who appeared to have reissued them in a slightly larger format, with colour pictures, rather than the black and white of old. The pages have changed shape, so one supposes that they have been reset, rather more of a business than a photographic reproduction. An important bit of our print heritage departed to parts foreign. 

And rather than being printed by William Clowes and Sons Ltd of London, Beccles and Colchester, we now have an anonymous printer in China.

Furthermore, I had thought that all Penguins were printed by Richard Clay of Bungay (a town in Suffolk, not that far from Beccles), but checking I find that this is not so. Worse, this company may no longer exist and Penguin seem to use, or at least have used, a number of other printers, including as well as the Clowes just mentioned, Hazel, Watson and Viney Ltd of Aylesbury and London. This last became the British Printing Corporation but got mixed up with Maxwell (the father of the notorious Ghislaine) and is now lost from sight.

Back through the underpass by Screwfix at Blenheim Road, to find that someone had already moved the trolley parked up opposite the Ford Centre, noticed a day or so previously. Is it now in one of the industrial sized dustbins scattered about the industrial estate or has another trolley walker arrived on the scene?

Onto Manor Green Road where an industrial sized mobile crane was parked in someone's front drive. I should have asked the driver what lift he was on. The last such thing, in our own road, was rather bigger and was for a hot tub, then all the rage. See reference 3.

Closed the proceedings with the fake of reference 4.

PS: somehow, Ordnance Survey managed to drop my subscription to their (very superior) map service, despite my having been a subscriber for some years. Not the sort of thing that ought to happen. Let's hope I have not now paid twice. Let's hope also that they get around to providing a better entry point to the service than the one they offer just presently. Even HMRC do better.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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