Wednesday 4 May 2022

Week four

The third buckeye seedling, the one at the back, behind the green pole, which seems to have lost its lead bud, is still there, but is very short compared to the other two and in this snap is lost in the undergrowth. At least in what ought to be the undergrowth. Undergrowth which was cleared away a bit after the snap was taken.

Elsewhere, lots of cuckoo pints have been coming up and the slugs & snails have been very efficient at finding the flower shoots and chopping them down. Perhaps they like to suck their sap. At least I assume that it is slugs and snails. Maybe they are attracted to the smell.

But they have missed at least one, snapped above.

I think the last bout of noticing these flowers was a couple of years ago, at reference 2. Seemingly a month earlier than this year. Perhaps the lack of rain has slowed them down.

While in the front garden, the hawthorn is presently in splendid form, covered with flowers, giving a sweet, slightly sickly smell, to that part of the domain.

PS: week numbers getting a bit ragged. More post serial number.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: The beginning of the buckeye story.

Group search key: tff.

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