Sunday 19 June 2022

A very able lady

This morning, I come across Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, presently director-general of the World Trade Organisation. A lady not that much younger than myself, born and raised in Nigeria but spending a good chunk of her adult life in the US, taking citizenship there in 2019. She also managed several stints in government back in Nigeria.

Her father was another big cheese, inter alia a minor royal, being Obi of the Ogwashi-Ukwu. For whom see reference 2. Obi seems to be a word with many uses, being variously a rank or position, a place and a family name. Not got to the bottom of that one at all.

PS: in the course of this post, I learn of the arrival of a second dose of a new-to-me sort of junk mail. A bit dubious looking, so archived unopened. Do I have lots more of it to look forward to?


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Some entertaining reminiscences from an old man.

Reference 3: More royals.

Reference 4: The (rather long) story from the WTO.

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