Friday 10 June 2022

Curious picture

Yesterday's print version of the 'Evening Standard' illustrated it's story about gun laws in the US with the snap above. President Biden talking with Jimmy Kimmel on the latter's Live! show. A show that I had never before heard of, but which has been running for near twenty years, which probably makes Kimmel a more influential person in the US than the president. Almost certainly a lot richer.

That aside, the snap's joviality seemed quite out of place given the seriousness of the subject. Which is perhaps why, when I turn up the online version of the story this morning, I get a different snap. Maybe someone poked the Standard's editor.

PS 1: according to Wikipedia, the show's house band is Cleto and the Cletones, led by saxophonist Cleto Escobedo III, a childhood friend of Kimmel. Does a chat show have to have its own band to be taken seriously in the land of the free?

PS 2: in the margins, I learn about the Hollywood Masonic Temple, a rather grand building dating from 1921. Sold by the Masons in 1982, by which time it had become far too big for their dwindling congregation - a problem which is clearly not confined to churches. I remember the one in San Francisco, snapped above, a good chunk of which appears to be a car park.


Reference 1:!.

Reference 2: Born a Catholic, did quality time as a comedian. So he shares something with the President of the Ukraine.

Reference 3: Complete with lots of advertisements from people like Tiffany. A disease which also afflicts the FT which I pay for. Maybe I can pay double to have them removed.

Reference 4:

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