Friday 17 September 2021

Walnut tree confirmed

On the way to town the other day, I came across what appeared to be a small walnut tree at the edge of the vet's at the corner of Court Recreation Ground, in what used to be the parky's tied house. From the days when the fringes of the park were kept in better order than they are now.

Detail of the first image, flipped onto its side. What appear to be green walnuts clearly visible if you click to enlarge. I removed a couple of the walnuts for closer inspection.

Which the telephone failed to focus very well, thinking, it seems, that I was more interested in the sink above. Probably because the light was in front of me, rather than behind me.

The following morning, the carving knife not making a serious impression, I got out my elderly, fine toothed pad saw and opened one up.

To reveal a very immature nut in white flapping about in a much larger, ready formed nut. But definitely a walnut. A rather different image at reference 1, so perhaps this one never was going to ripen to the point where one would want to eat it. The green walnuts taken by country folk notwithstanding.

In any event, now ready for a further inspection of the tree suspected of being a walnut towards the end of reference 3.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The last outing for walnuts.

Reference 3:

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