Sunday 31 October 2021

Wellingtonia 53

Wellingtonia 53 was captured this afternoon from a train pulling into Sutton from West Croydon. I had been on the lookout since Balham, but this was the first that I noticed. As it was, we got out of the train and I walked up to the town end of the platform to get this snap, looking roughly south.

We were on this line because there were delays on the Waterloo line, said to be due to a trespasser on the line between Epsom and Leatherhead, and so changed at Clapham Junction. As it turned out, the slow train to Sutton from platform 15 did not improve things timewise, although we did get to inspect the platform library at Sutton, of which more in due course.

Checking with gmaps when we got home, it seems likely that this tree is the one lifted from Street View from Cedar Road. Not completely satisfied, with Street View showing two trees right, of which the larger is a Wellingtonia, and two more trees left, one or both of which might be Wellingtonia. Is this the same story as the first snap, the one from the town end of the platform at Sutton Station?

Nothing in Cedar Gardens adjacent.

So I think it reasonable to score it, pending popping back to Sutton to check things out on the ground, possibly taking a compass bearing from the town end of the platform. To keep everything clean and above board, notice has been sent to the rules committee.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: from Street View: 51.3583541,-0.1888963.

Group search key: wgc.

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