Sunday 10 October 2021

Fungal news

Arrived home yesterday to find that some large mushrooms had appeared at the margins of the No.2 compost heap of the last post, no doubt brought on by the heavy rain and otherwise warm weather of the past few weeks.

The one above was in the southwestern corner and about six inches across, so much the same and in much the same place as those which turned up about three months ago and noticed at reference 2, but not quite in the same league as those at reference 1, but then they had the advantage of cow dung.

While this one was in the southeastern corner and was rather smaller.

Temptingly edible looking, but we chickened out again. Not least because of the possibility of vulpine pollution.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: fungi, mushroom. Which might help in the event of some future search. Mushroom because I don't think that blog search is as relaxed about plurals as regular Google search.

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