Tuesday 12 October 2021

Wellingtonia 49


Captured in the quaint little village of Winterbourne Earls. The River Bourne looks quite substantial on gmaps, but perhaps it dries up in the summer, to fit in with the name. There are also Winterbourne Dauntsey and Winterbourne Gunner, just to hand.

The owner of the probably large garden for a large house in which it stood was clearly quite keen on the privacy of his tree as I was unable to get a clear shot without trespassing further than I thought proper. So the snap above is taken from the churchyard opposite, complete with carefully trimmed trees around the perimeter. I shall be reporting properly on the church in due course.

We were parked in the car park for the handsome village hall, not very old, adjacent.

While this is the view from the road which caught my eye in the first place, lifted from gmaps.

Gmaps also tells me about various unusual places in the vicinity, with it perhaps being relevant that Porton Down is not that far away. With Porton being a place visited and noticed just about three years ago, on an errand west of the very same sort. So we have NARU, the national ambulance resilience unit, with the web site including what looks like a picture of an ambulanceman wearing the gold helmet of a major incident gold commander. We have the USAR outpost, training in urban search and rescue. We have DNBCC, otherwise the Defence Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Centre. While for lovers of ancient monuments we have the Figsbury Ring, order of the Golden Spade, third class. To be found at reference 3.

PS: for those of a pedantic turn of mind, Wellingtonia 49 actually came maybe an hour before Wellingtonia 48. An error which proof reading failed to turn out.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/10/wellingtonia-48.html.

Reference 2: http://psmv3.blogspot.com/2018/10/poundbury.html.

Reference 3: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/figsbury-ring.

Group search key: wgc.

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