Monday 25 October 2021


It is perhaps appropriate that the FT should choose to feature the troubles of a fancy and no doubt presently fashionable restaurant in Liverpool in its story today about the rocky road to recovery (from plague and Brexit) here in the UK. 

Fancy in the sense that it looks to charge (at reference 1) more than we usually pay to eat. And that without looking at their wine menu.

Appropriate in the sense that here in the UK we have chosen to live beyond our means for the last half century or so. Rarely balancing our books with foreigners and steadily selling chunks of the country off to those foreigners to make up that balance. With all the new tower blocks at Vauxhall being one of the more visible examples of same.

Ironic that dislike of all these foreigners provided so much fuel for the Brexit débâcle.

PS 1: what we can see of the kitchen in the snap above looks rather hot and cramped. No wonder tempers are so short on the back-stairs, in the coulisses, of the hospitality business.

PS 2: later: I have now had a quick look at the wine list, to be found at reference 2. Of decent length and prices which look to be rather less than one might pay in a London restaurant of this sort. Will we ever get to Liverpool again to find out more? A place I used to visit from time to time when I was at work, and at least one visit with BH as a tourist, which blog search suggests was in early April 2007, well over ten years ago. Possibly in the margins of a not very good performance of 'Coriolanus' at Stratford.

PS 3: in the course of searching for Liverpool, I came across the snap at reference 3 of the bottom of my main allotment, taken by FIL with his shiny new digital camera. It sort of computes, but I don't remember the sturdy mesh fencing panels to the right at all. To think that it is only fourteen years ago, and if it is my fence, I must have spent quality time on it at the time.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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