Friday 1 October 2021

A funny thing happened on the way to the oak room

An odd thing happened a little while ago, while I was taking a short time out. Lying down on my right hand side, eyes shut, quiet but awake.

The best I can do to describe it is to say that it was something like what happens when an electric light blows as you turn it on. You get a flash of light, then it goes dead. This flash of light appeared to come from some point at the very top of my head, illuminating the top of the brain from the inside. Sensed rather than seen, as whatever was going on did not seem to be anything to do with the eyes. But it so happens that one of my right hand fingers was touching that very part of the head, and it felt a short pulse. Although there is no way of knowing whether there had actually been anything to feel or whether this feeling was a fake, a construct.

It all happened very quickly, and the only consequence seems to have been that I opened my eyes, slightly startled, then shut them again.

PS: the Oak Room of the Royal Lion Hotel in Lyme Regis being the next destination of the day. Maybe we will get some piano. See references 1 and 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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