Sunday 10 October 2021

Wellingtonia 47

This pair of Wellingtonias was captured from the north bound carriageway on the A3, just coming up to the turning into Wisley, a little way short of the junction with the M25. Fairly sure that I have not already captured them on the ground, although I have yet to complete the check of the written record (reference 3) rather than my memory.

Perhaps about where it says 'A3' on the map above, re-orientated with north up, for the greater convenience of those not used to working with maps the wrong way up.

I tried to track them down on Satellite View, but that was hard, although I suppose it is possible that the first one, left in the first of the snaps above, is responsible for the shadow just reaching into the trial beds, top centre in the snap immediately above. With the thought being that it must take a good bit of training to learn how to use these maps. Maybe augment them with infrared filters and such like?


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Lots more of it from the archives.

Reference 3: For the avoidance of doubt, the same search at psmv3 draws a blank.

Group search key: wgc.

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