Monday 18 October 2021

Trolley 435

Captured outside the University of Creation accommodation block in East Street. Scored as one as the rule is that capturing several trolleys from the same shop at the same place counts as just one. Even though, in this case, it had become three by the time that I arrived at the stacks in Kiln Lane. The third one did not count as it was only just outside the perimeter, just by the bacon sandwich caravan.

Having captured these two, I was slightly put out to find that there were a lot more trolleys round the other side of the block. Took the gloss of things somehow.

Next time I am passing I must find out what the black boxes beyond the dustbins are. Some kind of letter boxes? Meter cupboards?

While off camera to the right we have a sort of small, ramshackle hutch for smokers. Just two seats, which seems a bit mean. I would have thought students of creation included plenty of smokers among their number, particularly given that many of them look to come from parts east, where there are still plenty of them. Indeed, I seem to remember reading in a book about doing business in China, perhaps ten years ago now, that packs of cigarettes - the packs containing a dozen or more packets that people used to buy at duty free places - were used to smooth business meetings, in much the same way as alcohol used to be used here. Bing search suggests that the book in question might well be reference 3, long since retired. On my first attempt, no trace in the blog, which I thought there would have been, had I read the book in 2011. Trying harder, I turn it up at reference 4: Bing was right about the name of the book and it was 2011. I think the discrepancy arises from a tendency during the early days for posts from the beginning of a month to get lost from the archive: something to do with the system not coping very well in months with more than a hundred posts. But I don't have the patience this evening to check properly, let alone to attempt to get the missing posts into the archive.

PS 1: while today, I learn from the South Bank that Stephen Hough has been promoted to National Treasure. Always a bad sign. But it is a name I know well, so I was surprised to find that the only blog notice of him was nearly ten years ago at reference 1. Will I ever hear him again? Not on this occasion, with the medley of Chopin, Rawsthorne, Schumann and Hough not appealing. While reference 2 suggests that he does put himself about. One forgets that even quite big names need to put in some time in the provinces if they want to make up their money. Not to say the colonies.

PS 2: had to dive into HTML to correct a formatting error in this post, probably introduced by unnoticed finger trouble, rather than Blogger/Google software error. At least correction was easy on this occasion.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Country driving - Peter Hessler - 2011.

Reference 4:

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