Thursday 14 October 2021


The good news is that the fungi driving the mushrooms noticed at reference 1 has sprung into serious action at the western end of the No.2 compost heap, with some of it snapped above. Sadly, I don't actually know enough about mushrooms to know whether there is just the one network of fungal filaments under the whole of this end of the heap, or whether we have a lot of individual plants. BH is concerned about waste and is trying to source a mushroom nut who can tell us whether we can eat them or not. In the meantime, I poured a couple of gallons of water into the heap behind them to keep them going.

The bad news is that the odd buzzard apart, we saw no birds worth tweeting during our recent stay in Devon. Not even the odd chaffinch. And skylarks don't really count. We did hear quite a few distinctive bird songs from the hedgerows, which a bird nut would probably have been able to identify, but we didn't have one of those to hand either.

The consolation prize was a large military plane flying very low over Dartmoor, somewhere in the vicinity of Two Bridges. I think it had propellers and it did have a prong sticking out of the nose, so I settle for the Atlas above, turned up by Bing on Pinterest. See reference 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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