Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Trolley 436

The pile outside the creationists' accommodation block, last noticed at reference 1, is growing. Wheeling more than two or three trolleys on the pavement (rather than the car park at Kiln Lane) is quite hard work, so on this occasion I settled for just the one special needs trolley, that is to say the trolley front left.

Last time this happened, the trolleys built up for a while, then the building manager must have cleared the lot out and issued a firm notice to his residents about not littering the place with other peoples' trolleys. Firm enough to be effective, because the supply, from my point of view, more or less dried up. We will see when he moves into action this time around.

A bit further down the newly refurbished pavement, they had been painting the ugly signs used to mark dual purpose side walks, that is to say for both people on foot and people on wheels. Why they don't come up with something less visually intrusive is beyond me. While this particular sign puzzled me because the foreman had gone to the bother of making a neat chalk drawing of the sign for the brush hand to follow, but which the brush hand largely ignored.

Then later in the day, on the Meadway roundabout on the other side of town, we had this rather attractive fungal display, slightly damaged by someone or something stepping on the clump in front. More round the back and a small clump on the top of the stump.

And while we are at the roundabout, it is a pity that the council grass contractors are steadily knocking down the low wall which surrounds it. I can only suppose that their machines are getting bigger and bigger, their supervision is getting laxer and laxer, and the machine-men can't be bothered to get their machines over the wall without knocking chunks off from time to time. Couldn't they compromise and get a bricklayer to make then a neat opening? Or something?

A lot more damage has been done since the Street View van has been around in 2018, although I don't think these dates are terribly trustworthy. This one might just be when the van was in the general area, not when it took this particular sequence.

Note also the traces of the crossed rose beds which once adorned the grass. Neither the council nor any of the well-off people living around the roundabout saw fit to maintain them - someone else's problem - so in the end they were grassed over. A relation to the similar problem with our rather neglected recreation grounds and the flower beds which once adorned our railway stations.


Reference 1:

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