Tuesday 26 October 2021

Blooming October

Our anniversary rose is still going strong, with the snap above taken on Saturday just past.

Moving on to that above, taken yesterday afternoon. Not so good this morning, after a heavy dew.

With this being a snap taken from the breeder's website (reference 1). Against which we are not doing too badly at all. And I am not sure that I care for this heavy fading out of the background. And is this fading the result of using a special lens for floral closeups, or do you ask Photoshop to smooth over the background? Is there evidence for this last in the oddly sharp edges of the two foreground blooms?

Discussions in progress about the pruning appropriate for this potted rose, with the general idea being something for the winter and rather more in the spring. With the pot featuring in the previous notice at reference 2.


Reference 1: https://www.davidaustinroses.co.uk/products/golden-celebration.

Reference 2: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2021/08/golden-celebration.html.

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