Friday 22 October 2021

Frost report

A bit of frost on the back extension roof this morning, just about the same time as the first frost last year, as reported at reference 2. With the last frost of this year reported at reference 1. So just about half the year frost free.

There was also something close to a full moon up in the western sky when I got up this morning.

Plus some good news from the UK Atomic Energy Authority, who have drawn up a short list of five sites for the fusion demonstrator known as STEP, last noticed at reference 4. Five sites scattered about the country, including Scotland, excluding Northern Ireland and only coming very close to Wales, at Severn Edge.

What with STEP and ITER (of reference 5), maybe fusion really is coming, after more than half a century of hype.

But there is some bad news. Our shiny new Minister of Health seems to think that now is a good time to pick a fight with our GP's about their new contract. One might think that both he and they had other, more pressing, matters to attend to - in favour of which he might just have rolled over his - or rather our - existing contract with GP's for another year or so. Perhaps he comes out of the same combative drawer as Lord Frost, who seems to think that almost anything is good enough to have a fight about with the European Commission. From where I associate to a bit, perhaps in Stendhal's 'Rouge et Noir', where some bored dandy thinks that almost any thing is a good enough pretext for a duel. Even if his opponent is not really one of us.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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