Thursday 14 October 2021

Wellingtonia 50

A handsome tree, which we must have been past hundreds of times, in the car or on my bicycle, but only noticed today. This snap taken from round the back, in Green Lane. With Hook Library and Community Centre behind the telephone.

Probably once but perhaps no longer in the garden of the fine old house in Hook Road, snapped above. Two hundred years old? More or less out in the country at the time it was built?

The map above is from around 1860, via the Scottish National Library. The North Star, top centre, is still there. St. Paul's church, a bit further down is still there. And according to my computations with gmaps, the house should be in top of the field where it says 105 and 107. But it isn't. So it must be the house a little to the left of the 'H' of Hook. Give or take a bit of road enlargement. No evidence here of large garden, just what you would have expected for a much later suburban house.

While the White Hart, bottom centre, was, it seems demolished around 2010 and replaced with sheltered housing. Google turns up the snap above - for 378 Hook Road - and I am sorry to say that this image prompts nothing at all. Never seen it before - although we must have driven past it quite often. Annoyed might be a better word than sorry.

A further puzzle being that this building looks to me to date from the 1920's rather than the 1820's.


Reference 1:

Group search key: wgc.

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