Friday 15 December 2023

Wellingtonia 108

Another young tree, this one snapped just inside the back entrance to Dulwich Preparatory School, presumably a feeder for the college around the corner. With the Samsung not making much headway against the sky behind, despite it being very overcast.

I thought the configuration of the branches was a bit odd for a Wellingtonia, but I got close enough to confirm the identification by the scaly leaves.

There were another pair of Wellingtonias on the way, between the railway line and either Carshalton High School for Girls or St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls, probably the latter. But I did not take a snap from the train, which would not have come out very well even if I had been fast enough, and I have failed to get firm enough evidence from gmaps, Bing maps and images.

I think the pair of trees in question are back mid-right in the snap above and they would have stood out more from the other trees from the top of the railway embankment, behind the camera which took this snap.

Gmaps satellite view offers the snap above, with what I take to be the same pair of trees above the square block lower right. The one with what I take to be netball pitches beyond, despite their looking like tennis courts in the previous snap. Note the substantial shadows. Railway line top left, Carshalton railway station off snap top right.

The Bing bird's eye version of same. With Microsoft managing to make the school on the right a second St. Philomena's.

On balance of probability then yes, but not beyond reasonable doubt. I think a visit is indicated. We will see if we can make it to the trees without being challenged.

PS 1: I think we have been to car boot sales at St. Philomena's in the past. Rather large affairs as I recall.

PS 2: much later: a shot from Street View taken from the Shorts Road entrance. Middle left on the first of the two aerial shots above. Appears to confirm the foregoing, with the pair of trees lined up as one, above the middle white shed.

PS 3: I don't suppose these sorts of awards are going to help those who are trying to block Trump's re-election. I don't suppose they bear any sensible relation to the man's ability to pay. To my mind, it just makes the stop-Trump-team look greedy and silly. As if they have lost the plot. Hopefully I am wrong.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: A saint who had a rather messy end, rather prolonged by angelic intervention.

Group search key: wgc.

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