Saturday 9 December 2023

Trolley 596

Trolley 596 was captured by the dustbins at the side of Wetherspoon's, by the entrance to the backyard of one end of Ashley Centre. 

Luckily, given that it was rather wet, I was able to leave it at the very back of the trolley park at the M&S food hall, where it would probably have time to dry off before it was needed.

As things stand now, if I make a bit of effort I ought to be able to make the 600 comfortably before the end of the year, 21 months after making the 500, that is to say around one a week. But we shall see. 

On the other hand, the prospects for making the 1,000 before I retire are not looking so good.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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