Thursday 7 December 2023

The big event

The big event of Sunday was the arrival of a tower crane from Southern Cranes, probably to lift some stuff onto the roof of the main ward block. A major event in the day of the male patients.

Southern being people I had first come across, just off Cavendish Square, in London, back in 2019. See reference 4.

Unfortunately, it was parked so I could neither see the base lorry, the stuff in question nor where it was going. But from time to time I did get a view of the impressively long jib.

Further investigation reveals that it is a Liebherr Mk.140, for which a nicely illustrated brochure is to be found at reference 3.

Further excitement was provided by my losing the cab, which I had thought was in the usual place, where the tower joins the jib. Wondering about how the driver got up into it - no ladder having been visible - I took another look to find that the cab had gone missing, with just a much smaller box of something where it had been. Was my brain slipping into neutral after a few days in clink?

But then I took a look at the brochure, to find that the cab moves up and down the tower, presumably with the driver inside. So as far as that goes, brain still in working order.

PS: something that they were keeping an eye on, as they asked me for my name and date of birth many times a day. Presumably a useful check on whether I am getting confused or worse.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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