Monday 18 December 2023

Trolley de Triomphe

Following the capture of the 600th trolley last week, reported at reference 1, we thought a modest Trolley to Triomphe was in order. With thanks to the John Lewis Partnership for supplying to model trolley to top it out with.

Followed up with a pork feast from Ben the Butcher. About a kilo of the stuff, for once held over for a few days in the freezer. Cooked at 175°C for maybe 80 minutes. The first time we have tried this particular cut.

Drained off something more than a tablespoon of fat, so not very much at all, then washed the roasting tin out with some vegetable stock made with water, onion, carrot, celery, leek and potato peelings. Roux'd up in the usual way.

Served up with mash and chou pointu.

Gravy quite adequate but not great. Maybe the bones were not big enough or not cooked for long enough to yield the full porky flavour.

The scene a little later. Just about right for two adults and two children. Maybe next time I will try replacing the mash with rice and the gravy with a tomato sauce knocked up with butter, garlic, onion and tomato.

Proceeding rounded out with a baked jam sponge with Bird's Eye for the adults and carton custard for the children. Who neither care for jam nor hot custard. Very strange. Perhaps they are just flexing their muscles, as it were, exercising a bit of choice in an otherwise rather supervised world.

An entirely satisfactory, if teetotal, way to mark the occasion.

Stirred the modest amount of left over mash into the left over gravy, warmed it up and had it on brown bread for tea. Bit more to go for breakfast. A warming winter snack.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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