Saturday 16 December 2023

Trolley 599

A dry trolley from the M&S food hall, captured in Station Approach.

Returned to a busy food hall, after which I inspected the market. Meat man, fish man and veg man all present. Plant man present. Don't think the bread man was there, but then he is more into cakes and pies than bread - which last I suspect of usually having passed through a freezer. On the few occasions that I have bought from him, it has not seemed very fresh. Plenty of street food.

Into the Oxfam shop to see if they had any Henry James. Answer no, not even in the heritage section. But the library could manage two or three, including a collection of short stories, which included the 'Daisy Miller' which I wanted to try BH on. Epsom Library scores again! Long may it continue to do so!

And so onto the Screwfix passage circuit.

PS: BH still shows no signs of wanting to engage with the Kindle, despite my trying to explain, to demonstrate how easy it was. Would it just sits in its box if I bought her one for herself?


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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