Sunday 24 December 2023

Fake 169

The new timber false ceiling going into the Ashley Centre here at Epsom, to replace most or all of the existing false ceiling, suspended white foam tile variety.

Presumably some made to measure chipboard or fibreboard, cunningly coated with brown wood grain effect. I did have a moment of doubt, was the timber for real after all? But I think I am convinced by the zoom above that it is not.

Still no firm news about who is going to take the slot vacated by the House of Fraser. Beyond it seeming unlikely that it will be a store of that sort: Epsom is no longer big enough to carry such a place. Or, it seems, to carry a proper gents outfitter, like the Lester Bowden of old, which survives in name only, this despite Epsom being a serious commuter town. A proper gents outfitter where a German suit might cost you two or three times what you might otherwise pay in M&S. I still have a fine racing jacket from them, in candy-stripe seersucker. A jacket which still gets the occasional outing. As it happens, cheap too.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Opened by no less a personality than our late Queen, back in 1984. In October, so she did not wrap the opening into her annual visit to the Derby up on the Downs.

Group search key: fakesk.

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