Monday 25 December 2023

Trolleys 604 and 605

A regular herd of trolleys at the junction between the Kokoro passage and the ramp up to Station Approach. Three trolleys and two trips to the back of the M&S food hall, so scored as two trolleys. The rest left for any other collectors who might have been prowling about.

We celebrated by taking a few beverages in Wetherspoons, pleasantly busy and cheerful, late afternoon on Saturday. Mainly older people like ourselves, with just some younger people moving into festive gear. Apart from the staff that is, who were mostly pretty young. Quite likely students clocking up a bit of money during the holiday.

Only one bad note, two ladies squabbling over seats. One at fault, the other excitable. The young pot-man did not have a clue how to deal with it, but after a while the manageress came over and sorted it out. A manageress who knew her stuff, mixed with the customers and mixed in with the work, helping to clear tables. A credit to the organisation. Sporting a discrete head set to keep in touch - presumably an open channel job.

By the time we left, the excitable lady had calmed down to cheerful and jolly and a couple of rather amateur looking security people had arrived at the front entrance, perhaps more serious security people would be coming on a bit later.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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