Saturday 30 December 2023

Trolley 607

The first Sainsbury's trolley for a while and the first trolley for a while from the creationists' pad in East Street. With this snap being taken in front of their rather basic smoking den, from which the seats appear to have been removed for the duration of the holidays.

I picked up a second trolley on the way to the Kiln Lane store, not scored as the 'phone a friend' rule is quite clear, saying something like 'a trolley of the same size and belonging to the same store as that to which one is already en-route to may not be scored as additional'.

Both snapped up by eager small shoppers on arrival at the stands in front of the store, the regular supply of small trolleys having been exhausted. Just topping up, I suppose, after the festivities which were not then long past.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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