Monday 25 December 2023

Trolley 606

There were still some remnants of the herd mentioned at reference 1 yesterday, or perhaps they were replacements. But this trolley was a stray, taken a little nearer the High Street, just by the front entrance of T.K. Maxx.

Then, off around the Sainsbury's circuit, not finding any of their trolleys on the way. Not even at the once reliable accommodation block for the creationists on East Street.

And cholesterol was off at Sainsbury's. The Fresh Kitchen cafeteria had been given over to storage and access was closed off, albeit in a rather half hearted way, and even the cholesterol caravan was shut. The shop itself looked busy enough though.

Plenty of litter and leaves in the alley to the side of the store, the one leading to the footbridge over the railway. No doubt they will get around to it in the lull after the holiday.

Might have been tempted by a festive beverage at TB, except that, around noon, they were shut too - and we did not get around to it later in the day.

PS: curiously, while I can find various pages on the Internet about Sainsbury's pulling the Fresh Kitchen operation a decade ago, I can find nothing about the much more recent closure at Kiln Lane. Perhaps this last had a left-over Fresh Kitchen sticker on the window, but was no longer a proper Fresh Kitchen, just a common or garden cafeteria. I then wonder what the staff do now - apart from pulling refreshments off the shelves that is: there must be 100 or more of them on site when the place is busy and one might have thought there ought to be something for them.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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