Wednesday 30 March 2022

Trolley 500

Made the half millennium with more than a day to spare before All Fools' Day on Friday. Present thinking is that there will be two celebrations to mark the occasion, one away and one home.

It being another M&S food hall trolley, from between the street food shacks of Ebbisham Square. Returning it to the stacks, I decided that the problem there was that M&S have only two trolley lines in their stack, but more than two different sizes of trolley. A complication which busy shoppers can't cope with.

The proceedings had started with finding that the mystery trolley noticed in the margins of reference 2 having migrated to Station Approach, where it remains a mystery.

While in the Kokoro Passage, we had a completely non-standard trolley, albeit reasonably substantial, from Aldi or Lidl - my blockage regarding distinguishing between these two organisations continuing. Didn't think to look at the maker's plate. And not convenient on this occasion to wheel it up to the store at the end of Upper High Street, and I held out for M&S, successfully as it turned out.

But given that I have never visited this store, if this trolley is still there next time I pass, I will take the walk and take a look.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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