Tuesday 1 August 2023


This afternoon, I was poking around in the wood stack in the garage, in the course of putting away some sheets of chipboard & hardboard recovered from some work going on indoors. And what do I turn up but a mouse nest, quite possibly the one time home of the mouse dealt with at reference 1. Now on its way to the brick compost heap at the bottom of the garden. 

We will see whether the chipboard or the hardboard ever gets used. But I have got through a fair bit over the years, a lot of it in the course of making shutters for concrete activities.

The same work going on indoors made it convenient, for once in a while, to indulge in a ready meal this evening, in the form of fish and chips. To find that the shop at Horton Retail was closed for a few days, perhaps for holidays - and we were not the only people to have our hopes dashed. At which point we remembered about Manning in Pound Lane, actually rather nearer home than Horton Retail. Not sure why we stopped going there, as there is parking nearby and the fish and chips were both plentiful and good. As they were today. I even had the choice of middle or end cut cod and I went for middle: it must have been a good sized fish in life. The only catches being the requirement for cash, fortunately met by the small stash I keep under my telephone for emergencies, and the absence of mushy peas. We took the fish and chips home, but we did eat them out of the paper. And the batter deserves a special mention - I even went to bother of lifting the skin so that I could eat that side as well.

The paper was plentiful too, now well soaked in oil. Given that it was cheap white paper with no strange ingredients, which should rot down fast enough, it is now headed for the compost bin.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/06/line-ahead.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-twisted-king.html. The last visit to the chipper at Horton Retail.

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