Monday 7 August 2023

Trolley 579

Captured outside Metrobank yesterday morning, where there were also some rather tatty looking nature-animal campaigners. I did not trouble to find out exactly what they were campaigning about.

On the way home, a new to me manufacturer of drain covers, the Ames Crosta Sanitary Engineering Co. A company which probably morphed at some point to the Ames Crosta Mills and Co. of the Moss Iron Works, of Heywood in Lancashire. With Heywood being to the north of Manchester, between Bury and Rochdale, brigaded with this last for the purposes of local government. 

To be added to the list at reference 2.

Then quite near home, I revisited the skip of reference 3 to claim another brick, this one with a spot of mortar on it. Old fashioned, soft mortar which fell off the brick when prodded with a cold chisel and which a bit more encouragement returned to its native sand. But presumably quite strong enough for its purpose.

Note the jelly lichen, to the left of and below the brick, brought into life by the recent rain.

And while I am on, I can offer a suggestion for a new front in Mr. Farage's anti-woke campaign, when he gets tired of bashing the posh peoples' bank that didn't think that he was posh. To wit, I learn this morning from Medscape that a band of woke campaigners is on the march in the world of liver disease. A suitable cause to which he might offer his talents? See also reference 4.

Last but not least and further to reference 5, the NYT brings me news of the feet of clay of an associate justice of the US Supreme Court, one who has been in post for more than thirty years and is now in his early seventies. An all-American success story, a story of someone from a humble background who made it to near the top of the tree. But a someone who really wanted to be seriously rich rather than just comfortable, and so is not too proud to take presents from his rich friends (from which I associate to people like Boris Johnson and Peter Mendelson). In this case, the wherewithal to buy a fancy motor home, not the sort of thing that you see in our road, a Prevost Le Mirage XL Marathon, one of the biggest and fanciest motor homes that money can buy. Otherwise a converted coach: why one would want to spend quality time in such a thing is beyond me. See references 6 and 7.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6: Clarence Thomas’s $267,230 R.V. and the Friend Who Financed It: The vehicle is a key part of the justice’s just-folks persona. It’s also a luxury motor coach that was funded by someone else’s money - Jo Becker, Julie Tate, New York Times - 2023.

Reference 7: Canadian foundations.

Reference 8: Now a member of the Volvo family. Foundation, inter alia, of BUSTUS, the presidential bus.

Reference 9: These people do the refurbs.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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