Sunday 13 August 2023

Trolley 580

Two trolleys from the M&S food hall retrieved from around the back of Wetherspoon's this morning. One large, one small, but the small one more or less fitted inside the large one and it was not far to push them to the M&S stacks, where, for once, there were quite a few of the small trolleys, usually in very short supply.

They were also selling what I took to be kilogram boxes of cherries, but I thought that they looked a bit dark and were quite possibly overripe, which makes them pretty useless from my point of view. Not much good to eat fresh and they do not stew to much in that condition either: you just wind up with red sugary water and some fruit mush. Furthermore I did not have a shopping bag with me, so that was that.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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