Sunday 20 August 2023

Trolley 585

Captured this morning in the Kokoro passage and returned to a quiet M&S food hall.

Quiet, possibly because of ladies football. Now when I used to use TB more regularly than I do now, quite a few of the people there were keen on football, mostly Chelsea fans, and happy to spend hours watching the beautiful game on the box. Some of them had put in serious time as travelling football fans in their younger days. Some of them had been reasonably serious players. So do people of that sort have any interest in ladies football now, it not being very visible then? Is watching ladies football more a matter for ladies than men? Perhaps the latter do it when there is nothing better on the box?

Must make some enquiries.

Few more blackberries from the Screwfix underpass on the way home, but any thoughts for further picking later were firmly squashed by my primary laptop crashing. Still booting up, still some signs of life, but no action yet, this being around three hours since the crash. Maybe I will see if I can get the holiday laptop going again.

PS 1: Monday morning: after a reasonable amount of flap-doodle, the holiday laptop is up and running again after a two-year absence. Lots of OneDrive updates have been processed, Microsoft Teams needs to be tidied away and things are rather slow on this Pavilion compared with the damaged Elitebook. But we are up and running. This from the Pavilion.

PS 2: a bit later: the wifi sort of Internet vanished (on the holiday laptop), although the ethernet sort still worked. Much chatter on support sites about something called the 'Realtek RTL8188EE 802.11 bgn Wi-Fi Adapter'. All kinds of more or less complicated and incomprehensible things that I could do about it. Forced a couple more updates in Settings. You never know. No change. More or less gave up, but plugged the thing back in upstairs to recharge the battery and the wifi mysteriously reappeared. Which is good, but the whole business damages confidence. Maybe I had better get down to John Lewis at Kingston and buy a new one. Or to the people at Tier One and buy another new-to-me one. 


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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