Wednesday 2 August 2023

Arm moving

This advertisement from Dell is still appearing in the NYT, a month after I first noticed it at reference 1. Perhaps no longer a dominating presence, but certainly a presence. I have failed to work out what triggers its appearance, never mind the variations. Same model in the same clothes, but various poses and various texts.

But the prompt for this post was the way that, in its original home in the NYT, the model's arm seems to move around as one pages it up and down using the slide bar. An illusion I cannot reproduce using a copy of the image in a different context. Or, indeed, here, although there is clearly something going on.  But one which I suppose to be something to do with the stripes.

The original context being the article at reference 2 about Trump's recent indictment for attempting to interfere with the outcome of a presidential election - a rather more serious matter than paying off a porn star or being careless with classified documents. And the bad news is that it is far from clear that the indictment will be made to stick and that Trump will be barred from future office, either effectively or legally. Indeed, the story from Bing is that a regular criminal conviction is no legal bar - and nor is being in prison - although conviction by the Senate is. With the Democrats presently holding the Senate, but with it having been pretty close for the last twenty years and could easily flip the other way. For some history on this, see reference 3.

PS: all a far cry from the days when John Profumo resigned from his office and resigned from the House of Commons, having been caught lying to the House of Commons about some ill-judged, but more or less private behaviour. He spent the rest of his time doing charity work in the east end of London. He also had a good war record and was a veteran of D-Day, which I don't think I knew before.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Trump’s Case Has Broad Implications for American Democracy: The third indictment of the former president is the first to get to the heart of the matter: Can a sitting leader of the country spread lies to hold onto power even after voters reject him - Peter Baker, New York Times - 2023.

Reference 3:

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