Sunday 6 August 2023

Trolley 578

This being the M&S trolley noticed but not scored at reference 2. Still there today and I had enough time, so returned and scored. Entertained the while by a chronic gambler who wanted to know what I was up to and how much I had paid for my car boot umbrella, by then in the basket of the trolley. I told him a quid but that I had to supply my own boot lace with which to furl it. He thought that was reasonable, especially when I told him that the boot lace was secondhand.

Snapped on the town side of the Hook Road railway bridge. One assumes that the Network Rail engineers know all about the crack in the brickwork. But I did wonder whether the buttress adjacent was part of the original construction or something which they thought to add later.

M&S stacks pretty full when I got there, as was the shop. Perhaps there has been a restocking on the trolley front. There were even a couple of the small ones, including one which was quite probably the green handled job of reference 1.

At reference 2, I noticed the refurbishment of Victoria House in London. So while we are on buildings, I have also come across Google's big new HQ in Kings Cross, which I now know to be the huge building noticed in the margins of a visit to Kings Place in April, for which see reference 3. I had thought in the FT, but I can't find it there this evening and have had to settle for an older piece from the Guardian, to be found at reference 4. A billion pounds' worth of working from the office.

PS 1: a little later: further study turns up a picture that I remember in the Metro, at reference 5, rather than in the FT. I remember being puzzled by this picture, not knowing of any woodland parks anywhere near York Way. But I now know it is the roof garden of the flashy new building, not next to it at all. But the article is more than a year old which rules it out. Furthermore, it does not include worthy words about IT training and the need for more of it here in the UK, very much part of the article which I vaguely remember. So perhaps whatever it was that I remember was not the Metro, but did include a very similar picture, if not this very one.

PS 2: the other half of the fish mentioned at reference 2 did very well in a kedgeree at lunchtime today. Furthermore, I managed to break BH's run of wins at Scrabble with a convincing win this afternoon. 


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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