Saturday 12 August 2023

Fake 166

Following Fake 165 at reference 1, another fake involving a cunning new material, this one on a bathroom floor in a Travelodge hotel.

A cunning new material which on the one hand has been faked up to look like wooden floorboards but which on the other hand can be smoothly folded up at the edges. A folding up which both provides the visual effect of a skirting board and the waterproofing which is desirable in a bathroom floor.

With the only weakness being the join of the two cut edges at the corners, as snapped above - but I don't see how you can avoid that. Mitigate yes so that the left hand arm mostly butts on the face of the right hand arm rather than on the edge, or vice-versa, but not avoid. A job for a carpet layer rather than a carpenter?

PS: for the avoidance of doubt, this is not in any way to knock Travelodge. They have a good offering and I imagine that this is a perfectly satisfactory solution to the bathroom floor problem.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search keys: fakesk, cmb

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