Wednesday 16 August 2023

Trolley 583

Two trolleys captured from the Kokoro passage in the margins of a visit to Upper High Street, this last to be reported on in due course.

Both from the M&S food hall on the other side of the market square, one new and one old. The old one looking as if it had been out for a while, although it could not have been in the passage for long.

Among the bits and bobs on the old one there was a blob which turned out to be a live grasshopper. Gently dislodged into one of the planters at the High Street end of the passage. I don't recall when I last saw a grasshopper in Epsom, although I dare say there are plenty on the grassy parts of the Common, so where on earth had the trolley been to have acquired such a passenger? 

Telephone was held very close, set to magnify two times - and after I did a tap to focus, it did quite a fair job. Was one of the alternative lenses being brought into use, under the covers? See remarks on this point at reference 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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