Saturday 26 August 2023

Wellingtonia 106

A clump of three young trees captured fairly near the beginning of our expedition to Anglesey Abbey. Part of the extended cluster starting at the entrance.

A rather oddly lit and textured view from the inside, lightly zoomed, but enough so that (if you click to enlarge) you can make out the unusual scale form of the leaves.

In time, the second snap is only 25 seconds removed from the first, but I don't think the second is the inside of the first. Rather, some from inside some neighbouring, unscored tree.

These two snaps also serve to remind me that the retired Microsoft telephone took snaps with the same aspect ratio as most laptop PCs while the Samsung snaps are nearer square. That is to say if we define aspect ratio as the ratio of the length of the long side to that of the short side, without regard to which way round the snap is, looking at some old snaps Microsoft seemed to come in at around 1.82, while looking at some current snaps Samsung seems to come in at around 1.33. The present HP laptop is around 1.76 and when using Microsoft's Snip & Sketch tool you can have whatever you want. All very complicated. With another story at reference 2.

PS: some days later: I am reminded this morning that a few years ago, every new PC or laptop that one bought seemed to have a different aspect ratio from the one that it replaced. This irritated me in that Powerpoint slides were very much geared to the shape of the screen on which they were prepared, or at least they were by default, with the result that, when the aspect ratio of the screen changed, one's slides got smaller.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search keys: wgc, cmb.

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