Monday 7 August 2023

Busy spider

This large and elaborate web, running down from the leylandii above onto the euonymus below, possibly Euonymus fortunei, appeared more or less overnight. Maybe from a point three feet up, to a spread three feet out and three feet across. Just one middle sized spider to be seen sitting in the middle of it.

Quite impressed that the Samsung picked it out at all, bringing it up clearer than it appeared to the naked eye. But I did need to face the sun: with the sun behind me, no good at all.

The black sand bags from BT, picked up on my rounds, come in handy for holding things down from time to time. 

Not to be outdone by a mere arthropod, went in for a tower ourselves once back indoors. The first attempt was too slim line and collapsed, not just once but several times; hence the helmet. But this one, tapered, did rather better - and the trick with the binding newspaper worked well.

Detail of the bottom third.


Reference 1: The previous effort. Probably burned through far too many bricks on the first metre to have much chance of making it to the ceiling, even if we had tried.

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