Tuesday 6 June 2023

Line ahead

I don't think we usually get mice in the garage at this time of year, more something for the winter. But mice there are, gnawing away at our potatoes.

So out with the traps, baited with bits of dry bread which seems to work better than the cheese suggested in some children's stories. On the last occasion we caught four or five on more or less successive nights.

PS 01: yet another memory error. It seems that the last time was the end of March 2020; not winter at all. And I ended up cleaning the garage out. Hopefully that will not be necessary on this occasion. But at least I was right about the four or five. See references 1 and 2.

PS 02: Wednesday morning: from the bottom: nothing, disturbed, sprung. This last one containing a small mouse. It looked like a clean kill, by the blow across the muzzle, just in front of the eyes.

PS 03: Thursday morning. Nil return: nothing on the trap front and no gnawing of potatoes.

PS 04: Friday morning. Nil return. Traps stood down.


Reference 1: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2020/03/rodent-action.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2020/04/housekeeping.html.

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