Monday 14 August 2023


Following my remarks about nimbies in the second half of the post at reference 1, I was disappointed to read in the Financial Times this morning at reference 2 that the nimbies are on the march, on the war-path, in rural Essex. Proposed Norwich to Tilbury power line nowhere near us thank you very much: we'll take the green power-  but not the pylons that move it about.

One can think of various places in the world where the central authorities would make short work of such people. And if we don't want to end up like them, we had better find some better way of pushing through projects of this sort, striking a better balance between national and local interests.

PS: and, incidentally, spending less time and treasure on expensive inquiries and associated legal activities. If the legal profession gets too greedy for power and money, they might have their wings clipped - which would not be a good outcome either. Think places like Poland, Hungary and Israel.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Anger in Ardleigh as villagers reject ‘bribes’ for pylons: Prospect of compensation to ease building of net zero power grid fails to mollify Essex residents - Rachel Millard, Financial Times - 2023.

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