Tuesday 14 September 2021

Wellingtonia 45

Captured in the margins of a visit to Fetcham Park, half open on account of a heritage open day, on which more in due course.

A tall but rather straggly tree. Given the history of the big house, it is quite likely that the gardens were a bit wild for some years, perhaps accounting for the poor state of the tree.

And the base of the tree was covered in ivy at some point.

The park was also badly infested with crochet work, presumably a spin-off from all the crochet lids which have appeared on our letter boxes over the last year or so. Which are all very well, but I wish they would make them with bio-degradable yarn. With this rather discrete one marking the route to the foot of the Wellingtonia. Cortana clearly not impressed as she has chosen to focus on the ivy, which otherwise one might think a rather odd choice.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/09/wellingtonia-44.html.

Group search key: fpa, wgc.

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