Friday 3 September 2021

Wellingtonia 43

Wellingtonia 43 was captured just south of Ashtead, on the western side of the A24, a little to the south of its junction with Ottways Lane. A little to the north of Ashtead Hospital - not a member of the NHS family of hospitals, rather of the Ramsay family of hospitals, which I find, rather to my surprise, has its roots in private psychiatric care in Australia, rather than mainstream healthcare in the US. See references 2, 3 and 4.

A large tree, but fraying a bit at the edges. Maybe the soil underneath is a bit too sandy and dry.

While I captured the tree, BH waited in the car at the top of Ottways Lane, just about where the dark car is in the snap above, just beneath the red house. Which earned me some rather coarse language from the driver of a car making a bit of a meal of getting past us. I was in Ottways Lane at that point and I don't know whether he knew that I was the driver and that the language was for my benefit or whether he was, in effect, showing off to his wife, sitting behind him. Both of middle years. In any event, I did not attempt a riposte.

And then I managed to make rather a meal of turning around, managing to reverse into one of the rocks in the centre of the snap, resulting in a large dent in the nearside of the back bumper - fortunately plastic, so it is not going to rust away. It can just hang in there with all the other bumps and scrapes, accumulated over the more than ten years that we have had it.

PS: failed to index on 'wgc' at the first attempt. Maybe this postscript will do the trick. Later: but it didn't. Try again later. Later still: the problem may have been caused by my failing to give this post a title, a failure now corrected. No doubt I will have difficulty with the resultant rather long file name at some point in the future: a file name which is supposed to be taken from the post title and does not change once it has been allocated.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: 'Ramsay Health Care was established in 1964 and has grown to become a global hospital group operating 480 facilities across 11 countries, making it one of the largest and most diverse private healthcare companies in the world'.

Reference 4: 'In 1964, Paul Ramsay, founder and Chairman of Ramsay Health Care purchased a guesthouse called Warrina House on Sydney’s North Shore and converted it into a psychiatric hospital in the earliest days of the private hospital industry in Australia'.

Group search key: wgc.

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